
Posted on Dec 24, 2008 by SHARP不是鲨鱼

刚从我朋友的部落格看到了一则我很喜欢的小故事, 我觉得它很讽刺又很真实, 很抵死!


有一个信徒走进庙里, 跪在观音像前叩拜。
他发现身边有一个人也跪在那里, 长得与观音一模一样。
“因为我也遇到非常难办的事情, 但我知道, 求人不如求己。”

哈哈哈, 很令人深思的一则故事吧!

1 Sharp Bites:

Happy "Sam" says:


But not many people know and understand ...

All of the world region is good.
If not good, the region will not appear so long !!

The bad things all is human done only .....

In my mind, God,Ala,神 or what what !!
All got same power !!
Their power is let you increase you courage !!

When you got courage, feel protech !!
You will dare to do it !!

You think ? just pray and do nothings ..... can get anythings ma ???

haha, 100% cannot !!